Our Orchard
Our apple varieties consist mostly of McIntosh and the farm’s hallmark Cortlands, plus several antique varieties. The farm offers red, green, and yellow apples, including 80+ Year Old Gravenstein, Golden Russet, and Smokehouse varieties.
Unfortunately the orchard is closed to the public. If you are interested in PYO, private arrangements can be made.
We specialize in hosting young children’s groups, and special needs children.
Jersey Macs and Paula Red: early season red apples.
Yellow Transparent & Yellow Delicious: early to mid-season yellow apples.
McIntosh: New England’s favorite apple, with reddish skin and white flesh.
Cortlands: Large, firm and tasty, especially resistant to browning flesh.
Mid-season green apples.
All varieties are good for snacks, desserts, salads, pies, sauces, and baking.